Tue: 8:00am - 8:00pm - Clearspring Centre Call 204.326.6647

Yes! We are always accepting new patients.

Since every patient’s mouth is different, before getting a hygiene cleaning, it’s ideal to do a complete exam of your teeth, gums, and bone levels. It’s important for our hygienists to assess your mouth to see how in depth of a cleaning you need and what areas they need to target specifically to you. Also, at the complete exam, certain things will be documented to give us a baseline of where your teeth/gum health are at that moment. In doing that, we can check for any changes at future cleaning appointments to make sure your optimal level of teeth/gum health is maintained. Your oral cancer screening is also done at the complete exam, which is not done at routine cleanings or by your medical doctor. It is best to have your Comprehensive Oral Exam when you first begin at a new dental office and every 3-5 years after that to check current oral health versus your baseline.