Tue: 8:00am - 8:00pm - Clearspring Centre Call 204.326.6647

MI Paste & MI Paste Plus

MI Paste and MI Paste Plus relieve sensitivity by protecting dental nerve endings by forming a buffer against plaque. They can also help redeposit those lost minerals back into the oral environment. MI Pastes are water-based, sugar-free, topical tooth crèmes and are available in many delicious flavors.

Choose MI Paste & MI Paste Plus for hypersensitivity, re-mineralization, tooth erosion and wear, sensitivity from whitening, and for preventing caries and white spot lesions. They also do not irritate dry mouths. MI Paste & MI Paste Plus are the only products for professional use containing RECALDENT™, a special milk-derived protein that releases vital minerals into your mouth (calcium and phosphate; also fluoride in MI Paste Plus).