Tue: 8:00am - 8:00pm - Clearspring Centre Call 204.326.6647

Children's Dentistry in Steinbach

First Visit Under Age 3? It's Free!

Hanover Dental knows how special your children are and how important their oral health is to their growth and development. So we offer a Child’s First Dental Visit Program. If it is your child’s first visit to your Steinbach dentist and they are under 3 years of age, then the visit is FREE!

Our Child Friendly Amenities

  • Play area with toys & books
  • Children’s rewards at each visit
  • Cavity free club with monthly prizes given away
  • Specially trained dental assistants and hygienists for children


Sealants have given Dentists a tool to dramatically reduce the number of fillings need on teeth. Sealants should be placed on the primary molars of children who are susceptible to cavities but most importantly on all permanent molar teeth without cavities or with deep pits as soon after eruption as possible. Timing is essential as sealants should be placed on first and second permanent molar teeth within 1 year after eruption in the gums. Sealants should be placed as part of an overall prevention strategy based on assessment of cavities risk for the child. This cost effective, simple step may help your child need fewer fillings and less risk of major dentistry in the future. This is a quick procedure, done without the use of anaesthetic, where a resin material is flowed into the grooves of the biting surfaces of molar teeth and then sealed (hardened) with a blue activating light. If you think your child might be a candidate for dental sealants, please give your local Steinbach dentist clinic a call to set up an appointment.


Space Maintainers

When a primary tooth is missing, the teeth on each side may move into the space. They can block the permanent tooth from coming in. To hold the space, your dentist may put a metal space maintainer to keep the teeth from shifting over in the space.

Your Child's Tooth Development

6 months to 2 years

Your baby will eventually have 20 baby teeth all of which should erupt from 6 months to age 2 and a half. Your baby’s first tooth will most likely be a bottom front one however babies are not created equally so this is a general guideline it doesn’t mean anything is wrong if your baby’s eruption takes longer or is in a different order. When your baby’s teeth erupt brush them twice a day. If you start early, your baby will get used to having their teeth cleaned, and hopefully you’ll avoid problems later on. Use a soft baby toothbrush with a thin layer of baby toothpaste (without Fluoride) or just use water. It may seem a long way off now, but it’s best to keep brushing your child’s teeth for them until they are at least 7 years old. By that age, they should have the dexterity to do it properly for them self.

6 years to 13 years

Generally your child will start losing their baby teeth around the age of 6. General adult tooth eruption occurs between the ages of 6-13, with the wisdom teeth not usually erupting until the age of 18. With regular dental visits you will lessen your child’s chance of developing dental decay and keep their mouth healthy.

Fillings on Primary/Baby Teeth

The enamel (outer tooth layer) on primary teeth is thinner than on the permanent (adult) teeth. Due to this, cavities progress more quickly on children. Children will have their primary teeth with them for many years before they start to become loose and fall out. If a cavity is not filled when it is caught, it will keep growing and eventually reach the nerve of the tooth. When this happens, the child will start to have pain and a normal filling can no longer be done.

Primary teeth hold the place open for the adult tooth when it comes in, if primary teeth have to be removed, the other teeth around that space move and do not leave space for the adult teeth below. This would be affecting a permanent adult tooth in a negative way before it even erupts into the mouth. If you have any concern’s regarding your child’s teeth and oral health please do not hesitate to get in contact with your Steinbach Dentist.

Children's Dental FAQs

When should I start bringing my child to the dentist?

You can bring your baby to the Dentist after the first teeth begin to erupt. Around age 1-2 is best. Even if only an exam is done it is good for you to bring baby in regularly to get them used to the Dentist and ease them into the routine.

When should I start brushing my baby’s teeth/gums?

Start cleaning by wiping out your baby’s mouth even before the teeth erupt after feedings to lessen the bacteria in the mouth. Even formula and breast milk contain sugars that can cause early childhood decay/cavities (ECC).

When your baby’s teeth erupt brush them twice a day. If you start early, your baby will get used to having their teeth cleaned, and hopefully you’ll avoid problems later on. Use a soft baby toothbrush with a thin layer of baby toothpaste (without Fluoride) or just use water.

Is there anything wrong with giving a baby bottle in the crib at night?

Avoid giving your baby a bottle in the crib at night (unless it’s water) to also lessen risk of ECC, and never put juice or pop in a baby’s bottle as this will cause decay/cavities.

My baby just started solid food, what are good foods and what are bad foods for my baby?

When beginning solids, encourage a wide variety of healthy foods such as grains, vegetables, fruit and proteins. Avoid giving your baby sugary foods, and sticky foods such as raisins, candies, and juices.

Why do I need to bring my 1 year old baby for a dental visit? What will they do?

The Dentist and Dental Hygienist will look for signs of tooth decay, check baby’s teeth for eruption, growth and development of jaw and for bacteria present. Baby teeth have thinner enamel than adult teeth and are therefore more susceptible to decay.

Baby teeth hold the position for adult teeth and because of this early loss of them may cause crowding to adult teeth or block an adult tooth from eruption. It’s also important to maintain the baby teeth for eating, proper speech development, and to give your child the best smile.

How often should I brush my child’s teeth? And until what age should I do it for them?

It’s important to make sure your child is brushing their teeth two times per day. Once in the morning after breakfast and once before bed at night. Help your child brush until the age of 7 when they should be able to start doing a better job on their own.

Flossing is as important as brushing. Floss your child’s teeth or encourage the use of child flossers before bed each night to prevent decay from forming in between the teeth. If you are only brushing your child’s teeth then you are not cleaning all sides/surfaces and decay/cavities will form between the teeth.

“Dr Ed is great! And his assistant Rebecca was also super nice. Everything was explained so great to me! Very much appreciated Dr Ed's judgements! Loved watching Netflix and having the Massage feature on. Awesome experience and I wouldn't change anything.”